
Dredging Celebration

Published Thu 22 Aug 2024

Many thanks to all the members of MMYC and the Mordialloc Sailing Club who were able to gather on Friday 16 August to celebrate with Tim Richardson MP, the dredging works that DEECA has undertaken in Mordialloc Creek. We were able to thank Tim for his efforts in advocating for these works and asked him to pass on our thanks to be passed to the Environment Minister, Steve Dimopolous MP. The change it will make to boat users will be immense as well as improving the health of the creek. There are more funds needed to complete the dredging of the whole creek along with an ongoing commitment for a regular maintenance dredging program but we are all working towards this goal!

Our gathering on Friday was a recognition of the significant work Tim Richardson has done in securing the funding for the dredging and his ongoing efforts for future works. A large gathering of members was testament to the appreciation and need for the works. Members commented about how the dredging will enable boats to be used more often and make the creek a safer environment when moving in and out of moorings. Members also commented on how they will be able to race more often and head out for fishing and just enjoying the bay. The health of the creek will no doubt improve with the huge amount of plastic and rubbish removed from the creek bed. 

Many thanks to Sue Halliwell for providing an amazing afternoon tea.    

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